Manual Football

 REDSKIN FOOTBALL for over 100 years


 To the right is the cover of the 1953 Manual v. Shortridge football program.

To the left is the 1905 Emmerich Manual Training High School Football team.

In the 1940's & 50's the Manual Dad's club was very active in bringing a lighted scoreboard to Delavan Smith Field. They also built and ran a vending stand to sell hotdogs, popcorn, etc. at Friday night football games.

On the left is "The" Coach. Ray Schultz played for the 1958 Manual State Champs, played for Purdue, and was later the long time successful Manual coach, A.D. & teacher

On the right, 1958 state champs carry Coach Ellis off the field after winning last game

To the right, Gordon Durnil prepares to tackle the Howe H.S. runner in the 1953 Manual/Howe game -- and on the left, Fullback Phil Willsey takes the ball around the end for a score.

Below the 1950 Manual band forms a big M at Manual field, prior to the Madison Ave Expressway.

Love the muddy white uniforms. Must've been a great game

in 1965. Donald Harris above surrounded by the Manual Band

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