FOOTBALL IS BACK at EMMERICH MANUAL HIGH SCHOOL - Our school is coming back - Alumni helped reinstate football at Manual by funding new uniforms, pads, cleats, practice equipment, etc.
Manual's football program was taken away a few years back by the Superintendent of the Indianapolis Public Schools. A sad day. It hurt on many different levels. So many things that make school fun were taken away, such as yearbooks. Supportive alumni and concerned community members brought yearbooks back - Manual is no longer an IPS school and it now has new management and football has returned. We have a great football coach and the team did well in 2012 with a limited number of boys. More than 30 boys are out this year.
Football is just one element of the new spirit at Manual. But it is a pride creator, a fun activity for players, cheerleaders, band members, R.O.T.C., and fans alike. The Athletic Director is fielding teams in a wide variety of sports and needs alumni support.
Contribute today:
Make checks payable to: "Manual Athletics" and mail to:
Manual H.S. Football, %Gordon Durnil, P.O. Box 90106, Indianapolis, In 46290
or donate via Pay Pal by clicking on the yellow "Donate" button below:
Hold this date - October 12, 2012 - Homecoming at Ray Schultz Field
Football is in the bricks and mortar of Emmerich Manual High School. Manual opened at the "old" building in 1895 as the second Indianapolis High School and its first football team hit the gridiron in 1896 playing teams from DePauw, Indiana, Purdue, and, of course, Shortridge. It was the members of that 1896 team who voted that the school colors be red and white. In 1958 Manual was the state championship team. In 1953 Manual moved to its current building and the football team helped get the building ready for classes as you can see in the Indianapolis News photo of September 4, 1953.
The caption on the above photo read: "A NEW ERA --- Manual’s football team hopes to build a new football era with its new school building this fall. The carpenters’ strike threatened to keep Manual’s footballers idle this fall, but the situation is well in hand now. Shown above (left to right) with new Coach Boris Chaleff, who returns from service after a leave of absence, are: Bill Imel, Dave Liggett, Marshall Hurley, Jack Roberts, Gordon Durnil, Phil Willsey, Don Durrett, Don Crow, Ron Burk, Kenny Kettler, Dave Barton, Tom Hofmeister, Phil Quinlan, Bob Ashmore and Joe Gagen. Jim Wessel, the eighth letterman, is not shown."
After a long and storied tradition of excellence, Emmerich Manual High School is beginning a new era, with new management ... with a new spirit and enthusiasm for a quality education for all students. Football is a key ingredient in our past traditions and is ready to be so again. Your help in making that happen will be greatly appreciated.
Contributed funds will come through me (Gordon Durnil) for accounting and then turned over to the Manual Athletic Director to purchase needed items.
Gordon Durnil (Manual 1954), 317-846-0401 or e-mail