Manual Football


Manual Football Coaches (l to r): Harold Boese (1926-1928) and Harry Painter (1930-1941). Al Romeiser a baseball coach in 1940’s.

<Last football team in 2009 

> Working out to make 2012 team. Boys worked out all summer

Delavan Smith Field was lit for night games in 1949. Bill Kniptash turns on lights for the first game. Watching are Miss Knox, principal Burton Gorman and legendary former principal Kemper McComb

<1942 Redskins

 Homecoming is October 12, 2012 at Ray Schultz field. Lets display our pride and commitment to Manual by showing up and encouraging our friends to join us. A big crowd will bolster student spirit.

Manual's 50th birthday was celebrated at Delavan Smith Field Oct 20, 1944. My sister Carol Durnil Ayres is to big #50's right. Wilma Durrett is behind Carol.

The jerseys worn by the 1942 Manual team on the left look to be the same ones our 1950 freshman team wore in 1950. I remember them being wooly and itchy.

 Above: Jack Miller (1953) was a stalwart lineman for the Manual Redskins in 1951 and 1952, and an all-around good guy. His widow, Nancy Harvey Miller (1954), contributed to the Manual Football fund in Memory of Jack.

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